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Have you ever wondered why you do what you do?

We spend so much of our time lamenting over how much we have to do when in fact, we don't do enough of the things that lift us up.  After 18 years in the corporate environment, I finally found my Purpose and made a leap of faith.

Scuba diver in coral garden

Photo Credit: Scott Bennett

My Story

18 years in the travel industry

8 years as a senior executive 

25 years certified as a Scuba Diver

PADI Dive instructor


Access Bars Practitioner

Avid traveller

Ocean conservation enthusiast


And more...


Nobody is only one thing. We are multi-dimensional and yet we often limit ourselves to a single definition. Vice President. Accountant. Engineer. Mother. Father. We are so much more. After almost two decades working in the corporate environment, I felt drained from soul-less traipsing across the globe for meeting after meeting and waking up in identical hotel rooms. I decided it was time to reassess my Purpose and find the passion I knew was inside me. 


A trip to Ethiopia in 2019 was the catalyst to a series of events that would lead to the conception of "As Above So Below".  I have always had a love for the ocean and have been diving since I was 15.  From the moment I heard humpback whales singing during my first ever open water dive in Mauritius, I knew nothing could replicate that sense of awe. The feeling I have underwater is still unparalleled by anything I have experienced elsewhere. And yet, I also look up to the sky, fuelled by an intense love for birds and other wildlife. My passion is truly as above the water, and so below it. I decided to forge my own path in the travel industry and create experiences that are meaningful by engagement and connection with the local communities in which they take place, and encompass a strong sense of purpose by leaving these communities better off with every visit. The pandemic allowed me the time and space to bring some of these ideas to fruition. By combining my love of travel, wellness, the sky and the sea, as well as my experience of operating, selling and marketing travel products internationally, I was finally able to play with this Purpose. 


So what is this Purpose? Bringing travel experiences that are out of the ordinary. None of the run-of-the-mill activities that one so often sees. Personal connection to the place means a vested interest in its Community and its fate. For every amazing activity we offer, there are also opportunities to get involved with local Sustainability initiatives such as beach clean-ups, donating nesting boxes for hornbills, or even taking a coral restoration course. Rather than just passing through, you leave each place with a piece of your very own legacy of making the world a better place...and hopefully learning more about yourself, too.


“A tourist is someone who is seeking to escape life; a traveller is someone who wishes to experience it.”

~ Anonymous


We wish you incredible journeys, and hope to see you along the way. 


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Blank Paper

You often feel tired, not because you've done too much, but because you've done too little of what sparks a light in you.

AY in Dorze mountains
AY in Lalibela
AY in Cenote Dzul-Ha
AY in Bracciano
AY in Doha Desert
AY Similans
AY in Uxmal
Amanda profile
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